Welcome to Readapt. We aim to be the world's most comprehensive database for accessibility devices, and a major educational resource center for accessibility innovators. Below on this page you will find more information on our current work:
Accessibility Database
Our accessibility database is currently in a closed beta phase. This is to ensure that we don't openly publish incorrect information in haste, which may lead to users purchasing an incorrect item that jeopardizes their wellbeing or safety. We will launch our database to the public as soon as a team of experts has approved of its contents. If you would like access to our accessibility database's closed beta, please email us at readapt.org@gmail.com and include a quick introduction about yourself. Once our database becomes open to the public, you will be able to find it under the Accessibility header within this website's navigation bar, or by clicking here.
Educational Modules
Our educational modules are currently in development. Once complete, they will function as micro-curriculums on topics relevant to assistive technologies, accessibility innovation, barrier free design, nonprofit management, and social entrepreneurship. Each module will contain interactive elements, including videos, quizzes, and articles. If you login with a Google account, you will be able to revisit your submitted answers and review them at a later time. Our module list is currently incomplete and being developed in stages. You can find them under the Education header within the website's navigation bar, or by clicking here.
Event Hosting
Our event strategy is currently under development, and will likely launch at the end of 2021 with a number of digital events. We are considering a number of digital events as of now, including an accessibility innovation challenge, an expert panel, and a hackathon. Once the global pandemic subsides, we will consider in-person events in 2022 or 2023, likely starting from our home base in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. You can track our progress under the Events header within the website's navigation bar, or by clicking here.